Home care packages
Home Care Packages for the Indian Subcontinent Community
Under this program RAIN provides government funded Home Care packages for Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) Senior Australians of the Indian Sub–Continent community with special needs. What is a Consumer Directed Care (CDC) in Home Care Package?
A Home Care Package is Government funding to pay for in-home aged care services for Senior Australians, to enable you to stay in your home for longer and delay moving into a nursing home prematurely, or at all. The Home Care Package Program is offered on a Consumer Directed Care (CDC) basis. This means you, the consumer, now has the power to make decisions about the aged care support you need, within the Government’s Program Rules.

How do I apply for a Home Care Package?
Entry and assessment are through My Aged Care portal. Service users accepted through My Aged Care will be provided with ethno-specific person-cantered support suited to each person’s individual needs. There are 4 levels of Government subsidised Consumer Directed Care (CDC) Home Care Packages (valid from 1 July 2020). Please refer the “Home Care Pricing Schedule” for more details.
My Aged Care portal outlet: Resourceful Australian Indian Network Inc. If you already received a means-tested income support payment, such as the age pension (full or part), disability support pension or service pension, and haven’t already taken up a Home Care Package, call Services Australia on 1800 227 475 to request a pre-commencement letter for home care. Services Australia will already have enough information to calculate the Services Provided By RAIN maximum fees payable.
What if I can’t afford the fees?
If you can’t afford your fees, don’t worry – you can still get help. Financial hardship assistance is available for those in genuine financial hardship. It
offers an extra helping hand to the most vulnerable. Depending on your situation, you may apply for financial hardship assistance with:
- basic daily fee, and/or
- income-tested care fee.
- With financial hardship assistance the Australian Government will pay some or all of your aged care costs.
RAIN WAIVES THE BASIC DAILY FEE. Please refer to the “Home Care Pricing Schedule” at the end of this service information for more details.
Can I seek financial advice?
Yes, you can. In fact, it is recommended that you seek independent financial advice before deciding how to pay for your aged care. Services Australia’s Financial Information Service (FIS) is a free service available to everyone. To find out more about FIS, or to make an appointment, call 132 300 and say “Financial Information Service” when prompted.

Can I self-manage my Home Care Package?
Yes, RAIN will let you manage your own Home Care Package which can help you save money on fees. However, if you choose to do this, there is more work involved for you, so it’s best to make sure it’s the right option for you. How Can RAIN Support You? Living alone doesn’t mean living without support. If you wish to maintain your independence, decision making freedom, making your own choices as to what is good for you, we are here to support you. We understand your cultural and traditional needs and we have staff who speak Indian languages. We also offer Hindu spiritual support with view to your emotional wellbeing when requested. We provide home care packages that will help you with the following.
- Shopping, groceries and personal shopping services provided by RAIN
- Home maintenance – get things fixed around the house
- House cleaning, vacuuming, mopping and dusting
- Gardening, weeding, pruning and mowing
- Transport arrangement for doctors’ visits, hairdressers and social events
- Personal services, assisting with dressing as per your request
- Help with walking and gaining confidence in using mobility aids
- Cooking a simple vegetarian meal or organising for delivery of Indian vegetarian meals
- Organising podiatry services or physiotherapy services
- Social support individual and group
- Spiritual support for Hindu Community (visit to temples, organising attendance for specific religious events)
You’re also able to access care through a Registered Nurse, Physiotherapist or Podiatrist, however, additional fees may incur or your available hours will change as this is a specialised clinical service. Equipment or modifications to your home to enable you to stay safely at home. Equipment and modification requests are always reviewed by both your provider and other health professionals to ensure that the outcome will support your goals.
RAIN is in partnership with you. For some consumers, the biggest impact on well-being has been achieved through enabling them to continue doing what they love, or staying connected to their local area and community. It’s important that whatever the identified solution is, it is developed in partnership between the consumer and care provider and it meets the identified needs that are documented in the care plan.
Social Connections
We understand the importance of your wellbeing in allowing you to stay at home and remain independent. We also understand your spiritual needs and offer ethno-specific support for the Hindu community with their spiritual requirement such as temple visits, participation in spiritual discourses and functions.

Stay connected
Stay connected with support by maintaining or growing relationships with your community, family and friends.
The Centre organises bus outings and clients are collected and returned home by our staff.
A small daily fee is payable, which includes transportation, activities and lunch. The purpose is to provide support and encouragement. It’s a great chance to catch up, share stories and say hello.

You are provided with the ability to choose what you want and when you want it. If you require help with shopping or travel to an appointment, RAIN will offer the required support. If you need a helping hand to keep your home clean and garden manageable, if you need support to travel for your grocery purchases, and if you need assistance in cooking a meal or getting organised with a meal delivered to you – we are here to assist you. Whether you plan to take a short walk to do your shopping, get your hair done or visit a friend, we are here to help.

Wellness Philosophy
Feeling well and happy is an important need for everyone. We have programs organised for your need to feel physically and psychologically well.
Educational talks, information sessions, special spiritual events for those who request it in a safe and friendly environment can be organised. You are provided with an opportunity to maintain your physical fitness with exercises suited to your health and you can participate in innovative wellbeing programs.
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