a brief history
In 2014 RAIN began to work with a simple desire to bring seniors of the Indian Sub Continent Community together and provide them with a venue to meet regularly.
Today we are a well known Community Service organization with 300 members and a great team of volunteers. We have built an effective entrepreneurial and passionate volunteer team, a strong and diverse donor base and a foundation of scalable programming.

our seniors
RAIN Seniors benefit from companionship, support and care. Our activities and services are non-specific culturally and cater for a diverse variety of traditions of the Indian Sub Continent.
“This group is for seniors who are lonely at home. It serves us very well. We are always enjoying the group and meeting others. We all get together – from all parts of India.”
Supporting the Community since 2006
our timeline

We found a meeting place for our Indian Sub Continent seniors. First meeting started in February 2006 with a small group at the Hurstville Senior Citizens Centre.

Leading members of Sydney Gujarathi Bhajan Mandali jointed us led by Mrs Usha Sanghvi and Mr Harihar Patel. Gargi Shah (of great artistic talents) and Nirmal Kapila also joined us during this time. Mr Ambalal Patel joined us and became our first donor, which was motivation for buying a place for our centre. They are in our memory forever.

An opportunity to showcase the colours and vibrancy of our culture.

RAIN needed a centre for our daily activities. A group of enthusiastic members met up at Dr Naker and Usha Naker’s house to discuss the possibilities and with a lot of suggestions. Caring hearts and willing hands lending and donating towards the purchase , we were successful in securing our current centre at 501 Forest Road, Penshurst, NSW 2222

Many seniors joined in and the group grew. In 2014 we received funding for Social
Support group day care from the Commonwealth Government. This paved the way for employment of staff, and volunteers enthusiastically joined in to support. The group enjoyed outings and having Satsangs with lively discussions.

our vision
Encourage the Indian Sub-Continent community seniors maintain their dignity and sense of self-esteem and enable them to lead their best lives.
Empower Senior Citizens with Confidence & Purpose.
Provide benefits to the Indian Sub-Continent Community so their cultural, religious and dietary needs are taken care of.
our aim
To be financially sustainable, efficient and maintain good governance.
To deliver the right services, at the right time, at the right price and by the right people.
To be inclusive of all cultures, values, backgrounds, needs and lifestyles.
To maintain and enhance our valuable reputation as a service provider.
Our Services

Commonwealth Home Support Package
Funded by the Australian Government.
Under this program RAIN organises activities for frail seniors designed to develop, maintain or support their capacity for independent living as well as social interaction, conducted in the safe setting of our day centre or on organised outings.

in home aged care Packages
Government funded packages for in-home aged care services.
Under this program RAIN provides government funded Home Care packages for Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) Senior Australians of the Indian Sub–Continent community with special needs.

MUSTER aims to build community resilience through increasing the ability of communities to connect and support each other through both opportunity and adversity. The garden committee has regular group activities with volunteers actively participating and sharing their skills growing and harvesting vegetables and herbs.
Our Partners